Miles Flansburg wrote:karol,
so when the water goes through a rocket stove at a high temp, does it break down into O2 and H? And if so do they not add fuel to the mix?
allen lumley wrote:
I am looking at a bottle of rubbing Alcohol that states it is 91% isopropyl by weight, by volume its closer to 70%!
allen lumley wrote:Karol Kerl : W.O.W., high school chemistry,and I ducked out and went to vocational school. Lets play the game, for every mole of Carbon we need 2 moles of Oxygen,
and we need 2 moles of Hydrogen for every Mole of Oxygen so most of the 'new molecule' arrangements are CO2, but not by weight ! once we think heavy thoughts -
Like where did I put THAT book we can figure out true proportions of CO2 and H2O by weight adding in the 10% at the end
Paul Ely wrote:
you have actually placed 9 pounds of wood and 1 pound of water.
malcom st. peter wrote:I found this
I was thinking of mixing it with copper powder, then packing it into a drum of sorts with copper tubing. I am thinking that this would make for greater surface aria for heat transfer.
malcom st. peter wrote:Just wondering if anyone has thought about making there own high temp thermal conductive grease.
Dan Henn wrote:
I have used Hardi-Plank fiber-reinforced concrete siding on my house, the kind they sell at Lowe's and Home Depot, etc...