Edward Marshall

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since Jul 04, 2012
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We are happy to announce that We Are All Farmers http://www.WeAreAllFarmers.org will run a weekends-only Fall 2015 Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Blacksburg, VA Oct - Dec. 2015:

Oct. 3 – 4, 2015
Oct. 17 – 18, 2015
Oct. 31 – Nov. 1, 2015
Nov. 14 – 15, 2015
Dec. 5 - 6, 2015

More information at this link.


Contact weareallfarmers@gmail.com

(704) 978-9404 for more info.

Thanks so much and we look forward to a great course!

Edward & Crystal

9 years ago
Want to learn permaculture from actual design practitioners and farmers? Take the We Are All Farmers Permaculture Design Certificate Course!

We offer this course only once a year.

Take Our On-the-Farm Permaculture Design Certificate Course -- more at: http://weareallfarmers.org/waaf_pdc/#sthash.YSuS8u5w.dpuf

Call 704 592 2557 or write weareallfarmers@gmail.com to register!
10 years ago
Now accepting applications for the (1) available full work exchange for the We Are All Farmers Spring 2015 Permaculture Design Certificate Course.

Contact weareallfarmers@gmail.com for an application!

We Are All Farmers Permaculture Institute is located in the foothills of the Brushy Mountains in Iredell County where the Appalachians meet North Carolina’s northern Piedmont.

PDC Certificate Classes are held Saturdays and Sundays in the spring of 2015, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on the following dates:

Jan. 31 – Feb. 1, 2015
Feb. 28 – March 1, 2015
April 11 – 12, 2015
May 2 – 3, 2015
May 16 & 17, 2015

- See more at: http://weareallfarmers.org/waaf_pdc/#sthash.UCjzOIGG.dpuf
10 years ago
Pole Barn Construction/21st Century Timber Framing Start to Finish Nov. 15 & 16, 2014
Limited to 10 participants.
Hands-on learn to construct a two-story pole barn in two days, start to finish: $230
Free camping on site. Breakfast & lunch provided both days. $100 to reserve your spot, $130 due the day of the workshop. Cash, check, money order, or PayPal. We Are All Farmers, 283 Coolbrook Road, Union Grove, NC 28689, phone: 704 592 2557, weareallfarmers@gmail.com

We'll explore how to utilize small trees for framing buildings.


More about Barron Brown
He is an expert on homestead animal slaughter, most recently demonstrating and teaching the slaughter of a domestic buffalo. He also teaches timber framing, post and beam construction, log cabin construction widely at conferences and gatherings. He currently works as a sculptor, welder and builder, as well as teaches carving, blacksmithing, and building. He lives on a homestead with his family in Yancy County, NC.

Our Pro Bono Permaculture forum focused on community-based and for community permaculture ate itself after more than a few people tried to use it at once.

So, do a pal a favor and see if this new forum works. We changed the forum platform and it seems to be working for us, but the last one crashed when a few users started to try it and then it starting eating itself.

Please see if you can log in. This seems like a much more stable platform and we welcome community feedback.

This will improve over time and with input. Thanks!! http://weareallfarmers.org/forum/
11 years ago
Our Pro Bono Permaculture forum focused on community-based and for community permaculture ate itself after more than a few people tried to use it at once.

So, do a pal a favor and see if this new forum works. We changed the forum platform and it seems to be working for us, but the last one crashed when a few users started to try it and then it starting eating itself.

Please see if you can log in. This seems like a much more stable platform and we welcome community feedback.

This will improve over time and with input. Thanks!! http://weareallfarmers.org/forum/
11 years ago