I can 100% agree here and feel some of your pain. While I'm still in the employee position myself, I am in something of a managerial position. I'm convinced our schools have primarily created factory workers. If it's not the exact same, repetitive task, most of these people just can't and won't do ANYTHING without you directing them on every single task. It becomes very frustrating when they're smarter than you at the job and give you attitude when directing them.
I'm presently dealing with a brother-in-law living with me who is like this. Got mad because after a year and a half I finally asked him to start chipping in on utilities and buy his own food because of the financial stress of his parents also needing to move in. Not only was he offended that he should have to contribute something, but has not once stepped up to help do work around the house or in the yard. This is the kind of 25 yo that sits and watches you work, knowing you need help, but says, "you didn't ask me."
Where the heck did common sense and work ethic get to? I've never been able to go more than a day without working on something, computer or manual labor. Is work ethic genetic because my parents were never much for making me work, they were usually at work themselves while I was being a deadbeat kid/teenager. Then I learned how much I enjoyed working around my mom's farm as a kid.
Is work ethic genetic or cultural? Is a lack of it a mental disorder. (Genuinely curious as well.)