Denise Candies

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since Jul 16, 2012
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Recent posts by Denise Candies

10% of earnings from the sales of produce off the farm can be pocketed by you. Need help moving it. Looking for someone motivated and likes to teach. The present orchard is 1 acre and has crops in the spring, early summer and winter. I have started seed ball plantings and ground cover crops in selected areas to experiment. Would like help turning the whole acreage into a forest garden .
10 years ago
I have a 8.5 acre natural farm in Southern Louisiana. I'm trying to expand get into production and would like someone to work with me for exchamge for room and board. We can explore other options after we see if things work out. I travel to LA for weeks at a time and am looking for some to share a 5 bedroom house with me and hold down the fort while I'm away. I could use the help planning and implementing a working farm. I am 60 miles from New Orleans. Things are easy and laid back in this area. I am inspired by Fukuoka and forest garden approaches. Currently I have a mature orchard producing satsuma, navel orange, cumquat, red and white mulberry, and still planting many other species. Marketing options to sell to local coop or put together our own CSA. Welcome to eat as much from the land as you can fill and even a personal garden if you wish. I plan to have bees in the near future also. I have a vision that enough food can be grown here to take care of all our needs and many other people. I' m a RN and a Practioner of Reams Biological theory of ionization of human health and would like to apply his principles to the soil to help change the health of people in the area.

The property is on the Bayou and also has a 2.5 acre pond that is great for fishing and swimming after a long day in the dirt. Household is vegetarian but respectful of others long as it is not cooked in the house. I have 2 big lovable Portuguese Water Dogs that need love and attention when I'm away.

I 've been away from the farm for 8 years and have been living in LA and have returned to do what I dream about ....while I talk about it in LA. I'm ready for company that is hard working, up beat, happy, and kind.
10 years ago
I have a 8.5 acre natural farm in Southern Louisiana. I'm trying to expand get into production and would like someone to work with me for exchamge for room and board. We can explore other options after we see if things work out. I travel to LA for weeks at a time and am looking for some to share a 5 bedroom house with me and hold down the fort while I'm away. I could use the help planning and implementing a working farm. I am 60 miles from New Orleans. Things are easy and laid back in this area. I am inspired by Fukuoka and forest garden approaches. Currently I have a mature orchard producing satsuma, navel orange, cumquat, red and white mulberry, and still planting many other species. Marketing options to sell to local coop or put together our own CSA. Welcome to eat as much from the land as you can fill and even a personal garden if you wish. I plan to have bees in the near future also. I have a vision that enough food can be grown here to take care of all our needs and many other people. I' m a RN and a Practioner of Reams Biological theory of ionization of human health and would like to apply his principles to the soil to help change the health of people in the area.

The property is on the Bayou and also has a 2.5 acre pond that is great for fishing and swimming after a long day in the dirt. Household is vegetarian but respectful of others long as it is not cooked in the house. I have 2 big lovable Portuguese Water Dogs that need love and attention when I'm away.

I 've been away from the farm for 8 years and have been living in LA and have returned to do what I dream about ....while I talk about it in LA. I'm ready for company that is hard working, up beat, happy, and kind.

Best of luck finding a perfect match,
10 years ago
These is saw dust from a carpenter that is plaining non treated cypress. And there is a lot of it? We have been putting it to a trailer and distributing to the ground as the trailer hits bumps it flys out to feed the soil. But if it would benifit the garden or orchard more I would use it there... What do you think...

Ok seems there is a tread on this... Not a good idea for either I'm afraid. Don't want to steal the nitrogen out of the garden or the orchard.
10 years ago
Thanks guys,
I'm thinking of not cutting the trees except what sticks out and just dragging the whole tree to the spot where I want them. The tree trimmers are bringing me loads of free mulch from a variety of different trees and dumping it on the property. I'm thinking I might cover the trees with this because I don't know where I would get the amount of dirt needed to cover these lager trees. What do ya'll think ? I don't think cover seed would take in that tho...?

I like the idea of seeding directly but we have lots of birds that love to eat my broadcast seeds.

And if I collected my own clover seed from the existing property do I have to inoculate it before broadcasting?
10 years ago
Can I use whole trees for the garden? And also can seed balls be used with a cover of clover on the beds. Seems like a win win situation. Previously when trees fell we hauled them to the burn pile. But I always felt that I was stealing nutrition from the other Trees...I have started implementing Fukuoka ideas in to my 8.5 acre property and this sounds like another great idea. i
10 years ago

I would like to talk with anyone who might be interested. Everyone has their special gifts to bring to the table. I
Will be available on Sunday if you would like to hear more about the ideas for the farm and I you can share what you have to offer. Would Sunday be a good time to contact you? Please give me a number where you can be reached. Thanks for your interest.
12 years ago
Hi all,

Starting a small 8.5 acre farm in South Louisiana using ideas of permaculture, forest gardening, polyculture approaches. Heavily inspired by the work of Sepp Holzer. Starting from the ground up, literally. Have community shared housing for trade for enthusiasm, brain power, and muscle power. Taking applications now for possible start up by early or late fall. Would like to create a CSA structure for crop management with distribution. Presently on land is a 2.5 acre established pond (this pond has been stocked with fish but presently out of balance), 20 tree citrus orchard, a few fruiting mulberries, blackberries, many mature native species hard wood trees. Running along side of property is a small bayou populated with abundant wildlife. Looking for individuals experienced in starting business from the ground up, working with a CSA, and permaculture and forest garden approaches. Thibodaux is a rural city rich in Cajun culture and warm hospitality. It's also a starving community in regard to organically grown produce and methods of sustainable life giving approaches to farming and land stewarding. We are 60 miles from New Orleans.

You can reach me at for more information.
12 years ago