Matthew Nistico wrote:
Ted Coakley wrote:I'm looking around online, trying to find out if anyone has concluded if laundry water that had OxiClean in it is okay for grey water to be added any or all of lawn, trees or food garden.
I see Sodium Percarbonate and Sodium Carbonate as 2 of the ingredients in it.
Anyone here know about OxiClean?
@Ted - I am very interested in your question and have been wondering the same myself. I am starting a new thread entitled "Oxygen bleach" here in the Grey Water forum to explore this topic in general (though if any permies moderators suggest that it fits better under another forum - "Homestead"? "Toxin-ectomy"? - we could move it). Below is a direct link to the new thread.
Permies > Grey Water > Oxygen Bleach