Evan Nilla wrote:Thank you Warren, that was very helpful. What veggies do you grow there or do you have most success with?
i've been hearing June really seems to be key in getting things in the ground. Seemed like the rains were tame enough around here at that time as well.
Thank you for the confirmation, yes, smaller seeds seem to do much better being tossed about vs large seeds.
My big thing is to work with what you have, and not fight things. So if there is something that doesn't like this climate at all, no sense doing battle trying to grow it.
thanks again everyone.
I consistently have grown brassicas, (under reemay only, tho, as we have lots of cabbage moths) basil, Blue Lake beans, beets, early corn, carrots, cucumbers, dill, lavender (a tiny pinch of lavender flowers is most excellent in a meat-based stew -I am not vegetarian, I fear) lettuces, mints, potatoes, garlic, onions, thyme, tomatoes, radishes, sage, smaller melons- pac choi, peas, peppers, quinoa, savory, turnips, zucchini -mostly all squash except I didn't have luck with Hubbards. I even have a couple of small camellia sinensis plants (tea) that hang on despite the fact I need to move them, but we do have an easy time growing camellias here. For fruits and nuts, I have black caps, (a small wild raspberry) huckleberries, Oregon Grape, salal berries, elderberries, blueberries, blackberries, thimbleberries, grapes, apples, peaches, pears, prunes, plums, hazelnuts, strawberries, walnuts, sugar maples, My brother, down in the bottom-land near a river has artichokes, nectarines, figs, as well as all types of orchard trees except for tropicals. I am certain I have missed a few things, but its quite late and I am too sleepy to think ...
Good luck in your garden!