J Kaye

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since Jul 27, 2012
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Recent posts by J Kaye

How long are you going to be here? The permaculture conference at the University of Montana down in Missoula looks good, but they haven't yet posted a schedule on their website, so I don't know if I am going to be able to attend the workshops I want to take. I am only going to be able to go down for one day. That's in November. Will you be here that long?

Other than that, I can't think of much else. If there is an official permaculture group up here (besides my neighbors), I haven't been able to find it.

PM me if you want to. We can always meet for coffee in town.
12 years ago
Am I missing something? I would very much like to register, but this information isn't of much good to me if there isn't a schedule showing what workshops are going to be available when. I am planning to come down on Saturday but that's the only day I can make it. I don't want to register until I know if the workshop(s) I want to take are going to be offered on Saturday...
12 years ago
This is just a suggestion for those of you organizing events in and around Missoula--don't forget about those of up here in the Flathead. I have a number of permaculturing friends and neighbors and we would think nothing of driving a couple of hours to hear Paul speak or attend some kind of event. Alas, it seems that we never hear about those opportunities up here in the Flathead. I haven't been able to find a copy of the Missoula Independent in over six weeks now--no one seems to be carrying it here anymore.

I would happily be a clearinghouse for some of this information if anyone wants to message me ahead of time, and I'll do what I can to spread the word. Thanks!
12 years ago

I am in week 5 and my hair is...well, I wouldn't call it greasy; there is something more akin to a waxy coating on it.

Lisa, do you live in an area with hard water? We have water here with hardness off the scale, and I can't use it straight out of the tap to wash my hair because I get the same waxy coating. (I can't drink it, either, because the level of calcium carbonate rips up my stomach.) What I have to do now is boil a pot of water for about 5 minutes at a rolling boil, which drives off the excess carbonate ions and softens the water. Then I mix it with baking soda and use that, followed by an apple cider vinegar rinse, to wash my hair. Works perfectly and no more waxy buildup. I also usually run the boiled water through a Brita pitcher, but that's more for my stomach than anything else.
12 years ago