Mark Contra

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since Aug 04, 2012
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Recent posts by Mark Contra

Thanks Kim for your feedback and comments. Every little bit helps. Forget the pics, I can't believe you don't have any videos!
12 years ago
Thanks Tyler for the recommendation! Wow, another central Texian I just finished watching "Introduction to Permaculture Design" by Geoff Lawton last night.
Then I started thinking that I don't live in a Tropical area like shown on the video. I've been thinking of taking some Permaculture course in Texas,
would you have any recommendations on courses or books? Are there books and videos I can purchase to help me stay on the right track? What are you using for
better understanding of permaculture in Central TX? I am excited about this and overwhelmed at the same time. I guess I just need to hang around here and keep
learning. Thanks again!
12 years ago
I was thinking about this as well. I live in Central Texas and wanted to know which permaculture books or courses could i look into
for proper permaculture design with land that has mostly clay, and plenty of mesquite trees. I guess the search begins...
12 years ago
I agree with doing the chickens job. I guess I should then not have any trees until I buy chickens. Maybe I'm missing the particular order of my farm purchases. Chickens come before trees The crape myrtle trees were given to me for free and I did not want to miss out on the deal.
12 years ago
Thanks for the recipes. I did also know they make great food for chickens. Problem is... that I don't have chickens yet and I'm busy through out the day
and I'm looking for something to keep the grasshoppers off my minimal plants until I start getting settled in with chickens and other things that will help
keep the grasshoppers at bay. I do appreciate the replies. Thanks!
12 years ago
What seems to be some good natural spray on applications I can use for Crape Myrtle trees to keep grasshoppers
off of them? I just bought some neem oil today and will be testing that. Any other successful applications out there?
12 years ago
I use baking soda to wash my dishes or emptied out humanure buckets. The water that sits
in the buckets with baking soda, may I put this baking soda water in the compost pile?

What other safe and natural soaps may I use to clean out my humanure buckets or dishes
and then add to the compost pile?
12 years ago
I am new to this Permaculture philosophy. I live in Central Texas and would like to know where one goes to
get Topography maps for one's land? I would like to use these maps for swales and the right place to create
a pond. Also, what would be a good book for Permaculture Design for beginners like me?
12 years ago
I live in Central Texas and wanted to buy locally grown mullein seed, do I just go to a local nursery?
Is there anyone on this forum that lives around here that would like to sell me some, or recommendations
of where to purchase?
12 years ago
I'm glad someone started this topic. I have been thinking about this the last couple of weeks. I did NOT
want to use fiberglass insulation for my cottage under construction and was thinking of alternative insulation.
I have heard of "light straw-clay" before and seen it built in a small frame at a cob building course I took for 7 days
a couple of years ago.

My question is to Jeff, I have a 2X6 framed in cottage with OSB for sheathing as I am in the middle of construction.
From your post and I hope I'm not misunderstanding... is that you CAN leave the OSB sheathing on the outside and
still use the light straw clay in fill and earthen plaster on the inside without worrying about it staying too damp and being
able to breathe. Also, do I have to then place that breathable tyvek house wrap or would the black tar paper work?

I was thinking that I had to brace that the whole perimeter wall diagonally, then take the exterior OSB sheathing off
and hope nothing collapses. It seems that what you are recommending is safer and easier.

I just wanted to confirm. Thanks!
12 years ago