We've been homesteading in NEO for about 5 years and the more I read about farming in other areas, the more I love it here. Pest populations aren't out of control, the predators are all small and easily managed, the seasons are long and temperate enough to grow most of what you would want to, there is plenty of rainfall and even this year though we are experiencing a bit of drought, with some mulching in the garden I don't need to water it hardly at all. I've lived in Columbiana County most of my life and I can remember just two winters where the snowfall was really significant. The lake effect seems to always miss our county and I'd say that most forecasts have the snow being in the 2-3" range and then the kids are always disappointed when we get a dusting. Otherwise, there are virtually no natural disasters- tornado warnings, when we do get them are rarely touchdowns. I can't be certain, but I think 1985 is the most memorable year. One thing to consider, depending where you fall in the debate, the shale drilling companies are starting to build wells in the area. To some that's great news, to others it's a reason to pack up and leave.