Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Tom Petty

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since Aug 14, 2012
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I purchased my pigs from the president of the association and when I went to pick them up he was showing me his pigs, he had a pair that were still breeding that were over 10 years old and maybe 15 I forgot but it blew me away how old they were. So that being said I think you did fine with your purchase. We just had our first litters a month ago with a total of 9 piglets and they are doing fine. Good luck
11 years ago
Don't seek advise from a commercial dairy herd, I learned that the hard way. I have a Organic dairy guy I get mine from now and my cow is doing great.

12 years ago
I'm just getting geared up and looking forward to sawing this fall. I picked up a 5'-6" 2 man bucking saw with handles and in great shape for $35 also a 5'-0"2 man felling saw with handles also for $15 but my one man 3'-6" was alot more but was in great shape. Any pointers would be good.
12 years ago