Katherine Chaisson

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since Sep 12, 2012
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Recent posts by Katherine Chaisson

I have been gathering pallets and am ready to build a goat house and pen for a nanny and kid I am about to acquire.

I am totally new to goat keeping and am getting goats because I love them and plan to use the milk in many wonderful ways. I think I should incorporate a milking stand in the goat house for convenience and make it as comfortable as possible for the upcoming Nova Scotia winter weather. I plan to get a load of sand, clay and straw delivered onto my homestead in the near future to begin learning the art of cob, so I might cob it in in the near future. A pallet goat house would be interesting an interesting cob project for someone just learning. And I think I will incorporate some earthship design techniques, and maybe even wofati.

I have almost 7 acres so foraging won't be a problem, but containment is a concern as I don't want goats eating everything in sight. They will be turned out onto the property as much as possible to graze naturally. What kind of organic feed is good for a milking doe? Can I feed them kitchen scraps? Any tips for good tasting milk? What about making cheese, butter, yogurt, cream, sour cream, ice cream. I'm so very excited about this!
12 years ago