LuEllen Raymor

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since Sep 13, 2012
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I noticed a couple of real estate signs close to our homestead in Ovalo, TX. 1 acre lots for around $50k. I am not the agent, I just live close to these lots. We chose this area because of the beautiful soil, plus 20 minutes from hospital and small city convenience, but with a country atmosphere.

Here's their description: An acre to build your dream home on in the sought after Jim Ned School Valley! Build to suit your needs with very limited deed restrictions, so your dream shop could be in your future. The lot already has underground electric and a water meter purchased and shelved. The expense of the water meter alone would have been $4, 500 and you don't have to go through the hassle to obtain it yourself. It will require a standard septic system which is another cost saver.

What a beautiful tool! Sadly, my husband was hacking away with his sword a few weeks ago on our brand new homestead. He used to be a medieval reenactor. So then I bought him a weed whacker, but it broke. Now he's back to swinging a sword. Pathetic.

Welcome Dre Oeschger of Truly Garden for a Hand Sickle giveaway!
4 years ago
Welcome Aranya! My husband and I are in our late fifties. We don't believe Social Security will be there for us so our only retirement plan is to buy some land and try to live on what we can produce. We are very new to the permaculture concept. Our concern is that it seems to be a decade or so before everything is settled in and producing in a permaculture set-up. Is that an accurate perception? Do you recommend starting with a mixture of permaculture and traditional organic farming?
12 years ago