Greetings from the colonies ( Canada), Patrick!
My interest peaked when you uttered this phrase:
'My book attempts to cast the net much wider and includes all aspects of permaculture, with quite an emphasis on designing your own place. "
I am in the thick of promoting a permaculture design focus to an owner of a 50 acre estate ( pristine forest, wetlands, farm and fields + offsite forest management )
The goal is to have visiting experts teach students in Sustainability Studies.
Many of these experts reside everywhere on the planet so student and teacher lodging is factored in.
Most teachers/trainers appearing in Canada appear to originate in Australia.
I am enjoying the permie site and will also visit yours. Any other sites and texts would help us all on our learning curve.
Do you know of any projects that are "partnering" to create " ecoventures" with students? I think this project would like to do that to share findings and have mutual visits.