Sean Kent

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since Oct 01, 2012
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Thanks everyone.

I'm thinking of a few ideas.
1) I was thinking of getting top soil and covering my lawn with it and seeding it. Doing this in the summer. But found out that the cost to cover my lawn with top soil is a little more than a 1000.
2) getting herbicide and kill all the weeds. Leave for two days. Then seed on top of what I have without any top soil. I would just have to seed more, but I don't know if the seed will turn to grass this way.
3) do both 1) and 2). So putting on top soil after the weeds are dead.
4) recommend an option?

What do you guys think?

Thanks again for the replies.
12 years ago
Sorry. I do not know what variety of grass I have or my neighbours.
12 years ago
Thanks for your reply.

No frost yet.

Its rolled out sod with the pieces being in say 4 feet by 1 feet? And so it was built by many pieces of that. I hope I answered your question here.

My neighbours lawn has some patches of brown and some weed. But I am the only one where it's pretty much entirely brown and filled with weed.

12 years ago
I'm a new homeowner. Moved into this house September 2011 in kitchener ontario and the grass was green then. It was a one year old house with one year old sodded grass.

I didn't do much maintenance and was watering about once or twice a week. I probably should have watered a lot more as the roots didn't grow deep enough yet.

Today, it is brown and full of weed (a lot of the spiky weed which you may not see in the pictures as I've pulled them out).

Any advice would be great. I'm willing to put the effort and time to make this work. I probably have the worst lawn in my neighborhood.

I don't mind the effort but would like to keep the cost low.

Thanks very much.
12 years ago