I like the idea Scott gives about giving a outside air "Choice" for the feed. I never gathered from Scott that he suggested anything other than the standard intake feed location (stjohn) and I think Scott isn't suggesting to cut off all air from inside, but only to allow outside air to enter the room close to the feed location. If the Feed is pulling air from inside the house and originating from every crack and crevice anyway, then introducing a duct opening to the inside house air, would allow the feed to choose where it gets the air from, and where the air pressure equalizing occurred. IMO, this doesn't require figuring in the length of that intake duct, otherwise you may have to figure in the length from every crack, since the air has to enter the house somehow. I wonder what an air pressure meter would read in a house that doesn't offer a direct air from outside? (What meter would read that?) If you could measure air pressure changes inside a well sealed house, seems like either the air pressure would be reduced if the house was sealed really well, or air would enter through cracks to equalize it. To clarify, I am just a newby in the RMH arena, though have 54 years of thinking mechanically, and reasoning everything out to a mechanical solution, which didn't come with the means of clearly portraying it to words, lol. Sorry if it sounds muddled, I found this subject very interesting.