Lironah Wulfe

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since Oct 06, 2012
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I investigated the GAPS diet not long ago in my search for things that would make me better. I couldn't follow it strictly, because I just didn't have the energy to do all the work I would need, but I started doing bits of it at a time, as much as I could. I also cut GMO ingredients and corn-fed meats from my diet, but it wasn't until this Monday when I found a source for raw milk that anything made more than a small difference.

After just 48 hours of drinking the raw milk, I decided that I could never go back. I haven't felt this good in the almost 2 years since my C-section. I figure what happened was the antibiotic they fed me after the C-section made me lactose intolerant, and also extra sensitive to processed sugar, especially corn sources. I was never diagnosed properly, but I had a lot of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Nothing else I've ever tried has made it go away.

If you never try anything else from the GAPS diet, try the raw milk and raw honey. I'm a believer.
12 years ago