Mark Grable

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since Oct 08, 2012
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Also loved Clark's books. I built a pole barn with a mix of woods and used binding wire to lash them together, all set on concrete piers. Large roof overhang keeps the posts quite dry. Boat builders use Pinetar for sealing seams. Also built a woodworking studio using Japanese joinery, also with 3' overhangs, post on rock or ledge. All in all, I've built 4 buildings with 3' roof overhangs, and more over entry doors. I make certain the roofs won't come off, and the feet are not in any water. Next building will also have a large roof. Also, see Christopher Alexander's books A Pattern Language, and The Timeless Way of Building. One thing I found out is how easy it is to get bark of a log when the sap is running in about June here in Vermont!
Wow, you have been around the country! I'm from cloudy grey Indiana, so I know what you say is true ... Also a Leo - with Scorpio rising, so playing in puddles in the rain is nice for me. I grew rice here in Springfield 2 - 3 yrs ago, and had a 20 x 50' puddle to play in. A friend lives in Albuquerque, and in 2001 I visited and picked up a Permaculture Magazine with an article about making tiny dams in the tiny arroyos at the top of the watershed, and working their way down the hill making more and larger dams, and it really changed the land ... Maybe it had been overgrazed like most of the land out there. I was tempted to do the same (make dams) but thought I could afford Oregon land {ha!}. The place I bought here in Chester had a 5 acre Beaver pond on it, which was so rich, but then the Beavers were trapped. Several years later, a very ambitious Beaver tried again, but was washed out repeatedly, finally by Irene. I read that there was Beaver all over the West, even up high in the Rockies, before Europeans ... well, can you imagine?
12 years ago
Hi Lyla, what about the Sangre De Christo Mountains interests you? I'm in Vermont, and like it here, but single again. I'm 57 (!) and a woodworker. Will checkout the Thrive movie.
12 years ago