Josh Kuhaler

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since Oct 11, 2012
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Recent posts by Josh Kuhaler

I'm building a tiny house on some land basically in the middle of nowhere (lol) in the spring.
Anyways, the guy I am renting the land from is AWESOME to deal with in this area and is really open about various options of doing things on his land.
I wont make his info public but if you are interested in land in Sask. to rent pm me and I'll give you his info.

He's a great guy.
12 years ago

Max Tanner wrote:Hey Josh,
I live in Ontario and my ex is from Regina.. soo,,,, no go there for me, but thanks.

Glad you found something and the best of luck as well.

and best ever reason not to come back to Regina
I never go to Calgary for the same reason--lol
12 years ago
Regarding this thread,.....I found a guy who owns an absolute ton of land in Saskatchewan and will rent me the amount of land I need. He has a lot of land available for this he says so if you are interested let me know and then I will pass on you details to him. I will not post his name or details directly on here. I will give him the option of contacting you as he has been really awesome to deal with so far.
12 years ago
nice, thanks for the reply, I appreciate it
12 years ago
I live in Regina. I am looking to build a tiny house wayyy off grid away from people (not a people person) using solar and green resources. The big question I have not been able to answer is how do I find a super small chunk of land to do this on? I really have no idea. If a farmer has a ton of land and wants to rent a tiny piece of it for this purpose, I am willing to pay a very decent price. Any help would really be appreciated
12 years ago