Carlos Garcia

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since Oct 20, 2012
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Recent posts by Carlos Garcia

Thanks Rose
I will contact the PRI...
By libertarian I mean an advocate for freedom, respecting others, respecting life, respecting the environment... Not a (neo)liberal though...
I dont believe in capitalism nor in the state... I favour self organisation, cooperation, reciprocity... More of an anarchist I would say...
12 years ago

Thanks Rose!
I know about the woofing PRI and Permaculture NZ website...
I was looking for more personal information from people who have been to a permaculture farm... I believe that on the webs you mention there is too much marketing...
I would like to find a libertarian community where they practice permaculture...
Cheers XXX
12 years ago
My partner and I are travelling to Auckland on November 8th from Spain and would like to spend time in a prmaculture community/farm... We are both very keen on learning more about permaculture (I have done a introductory course and we have both spent time in different farms)... And are experienced in community life... We learn fast and always try to look on the bright side of life! Until now we have both been doing social work with children, excluded people in rural areas...

We are wondering is you have any recommendations?

If it all works out, we would like to help out with the different needs you may have and gain experience in farming, gardening, organic bio construction, food production and preservation....In exchange we would like to receive food and lodging... We are planning to stay a few months in New Zealand...

Please let me know. Thanks in advance !!

Pai mārika taku rā!

Carlos and Jaione
12 years ago
My partner and I are travelling to Auckland on November 8th from Spain and would like to spend time in a prmaculture community/farm... We are both very keen on learning more about permaculture (I have done a introductory course and we have both spent time in different farms)... And are experienced in community life... We learn fast and always try to look on the bright side of life! Until now we have both been doing social work with children, excluded people in rural areas...

We are wondering is you have any recommendations?

If it all works out, we would like to help out with the different needs you may have and gain experience in farming, gardening, organic bio construction, food production and preservation....In exchange we would like to receive food and lodging... We are planning to stay a few months in New Zealand...

Please let me know. Thanks in advance !!

Pai mārika taku rā!

Carlos and Jaione
12 years ago