Jason Chang

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since Oct 26, 2012
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any updates Ivan? Or anyone else have good recomendations for software?
12 years ago
Hi Everyone!

I just started a legal digital download site for Permaculture & Aquaponics Media (DVD's, eBooks, etc.).

The beta site is up at: https://www.permaculturedownloads.com

Facebook Page is: https://www.facebook.com/PermacultureDownloads

I'm testing the iTunes Store model of 70% to content owners so 70% of all purchases go back to funding more permaculture projects.

Also if you have popular media you would like to sell in digital form you can upload it like iTunes (contact me).

So if you dig it, check out the site and give me some constructive criticisms about layout and pricing and purchase if you have been looking for digital downloads!

Thank You!