M Thomas

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since Oct 30, 2012
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It sounds like you are being very careful so it really shouldn't be a problem. The one thing to remember though is that if the RV is gasoline powered rather than diesel, you have to be more careful of the fumes and the tank location in relation to your oven. The gasoline is at least as much concern as the LP system. The floating sparks that can come from solid fuel burning are more of an issue with gas apparently, according to stove manufacturers I have talked to about it. They generally are happy to make wood fired stoves etc for diesel powered boats or RV's, but advise against it with gas. I have seen wood stoves in vans & RV's so it certainly can be done.

I wouldn't be too worried about the weight. People often drive with the fresh water tanks full and even in my van that is over 300 pounds.

12 years ago