my seed mix is better than Sepp Holzer's... for my needs (weeeeeeee!)
Im on the border of zone 3 and zone 4, likely zone 3, so my focus was on perennial, cold climate plants.
This is for a fruit tree paddock system that will feed my chickens (and possibly pigs/goats). If goats come into the system I will add more dynamic accumulators that pick up copper.
Fruit Tree Guild
Dynamic Accumulators
Nitrogen Fixers
Green Manures
Parasite Repellants
Beneficial Insect/Bird Attractors
Dynamic Accumulators: cabbage, comfrey, horsetail, stinging nettle, two-groove milk vetch, eastern brackern, garlic, devils bit, sarsaparilla, dandelion.
Nitrogen Fixers: Siberian pea shrub, new jersey tea, silverberry, sea buckthorn, lupine, red clover, alfalfa, hog peanut, sweet vetch, American vetch, wood vetch, northern bayberry, Canadian buffaloberry
Green Manures: fodder vetch, sunflowers, birdsfoot trefoil, sainfoin, rye/wild rye
Parasite Repellants: wormwood, mugwort, rue, catnip, horsemint, tansies
Insect Attractors: yarrow, chicory, eastern gamma grass, perennial wheat, anise hyssop, borage, sweet goldenrod, white clover, new England aster, rattlesnake weed, cow parsnip, honewort, osha
with lavender and nasturtium added as theyre reported to go well with fruit trees.
There should be close to 50 plants here. I didn't seek out many Bird Attractors as the fruit trees should cover them.
Many of these plants can fit into multiple categories:
Additional accumulators (lupine, clover, alfalfa, the vetches, sunflower, tansy, yarrow, chicory, borage). The listed accumulators above is the fewest amount of plants needed to cover most, if not all, minerals that can be possibly picked up. Dandelion was not needed, but it is great for this purpose as well as being a spike root (I need them!).
Additional Tap/Spike roots (sweet vetch, lupine, alfalfa, dandelion, red clover, cow parsnip, osha, chicory)
Additional Insect Attractors: too many to list. But most were generalist nectary plants, so the focus of the above Attractors are Specialist Nectary Plants with a few added for overwintering.
I can add a reply later for the latin names, Im not 100% sure about the horsemint (for those damn mosquitoes).