Jonathan Lauwers

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since Nov 06, 2012
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Recent posts by Jonathan Lauwers

Hi all,

my name is Jonathan Lauwers and I am a final year automotive & transport design student at Coventry University in the United Kingdom. For my final major project, I am currently researching vehicles in sustainable agriculture. My aim is to design a vehicle for sustainable types of agriculture, focusing specifically on permaculture.

At the moment, I am running an online questionnaire that hopes to map the needs and requirements from a vehicle for sustainable agriculture, and identify possible issues and problems sustainable farmers are having in relation to vehicles at the moment. It would mean a lot to me if you could take 10-15 minutes of your time to fill in the questionnaire, even if you have not previously used vehicles for agriculture.

Please click here to go to the survey:

I did not come across permaculture by accident, as my parents are in the process of starting a permaculture farm in South Africa. I feel really inspired by the permaculture message, and it's great to see so many people working towards a better future. I hope that by bringing some of my industrial thinking and the skills I learned on my course, I too can contribute to a better world. I am definitely looking forward to finding out more about permaculture and sustainable living and agriculture.

If you have any questions please leave me a message

Thank you

p.s. if the mods feel this needs to be in a different subforum please let me know
12 years ago