Hello Noelle,
I have just built a rocket stove for my greenhouse, the design is a bit unconventional, in that I connected a 16" barrel to a 22" barrel on the base, the insulated flue pipe that I used is meant for a wood burning stove, it measures 7" on the inside diameter and 11" in on the outside diameter it is filled with a mineral type of insulation. I fired it up with with a 16" length of horizontal flue and lo and behold it functions very well. However when I tried to extend this flue to 32' I had a problem not getting the draught, I believe this problem is linked to the two 90 degree short radius elbows that I introduced into the system. As soon as I get the chance I will replace these elbows with long radius elbows to see if this caused the problem.
Incidentally when I fired the stove with the short run of horizontal flue (16feet) , I over ranged my heat sensor gun, it limited out at 680 deg I think the temperature reached in excess of 800 degrees in the centre of the barrel. This temperature was achieved in approx. 15 minutes.
I will attach some pics for you to review if you have a question get back to me
In the heart of the rockies