Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Fred Lightfoot

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since Nov 07, 2012
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Hello Noelle.
First a correction ..... where it states 16" should read 16' feet. I am also attaching photos for you to look at.



From the heart of the Rockies
12 years ago
Hello Noelle.
First a correction ..... where it states 16" should read 16' feet. I am also attaching photos for you to look at.



From the heart of the Rockies
12 years ago
Hello Noelle.
First a correction ..... where it states 16" should read 16' feet. I am also attaching photos for you to look at.



From the heart of the Rockies
12 years ago
Hello Noelle,
I have just built a rocket stove for my greenhouse, the design is a bit unconventional, in that I connected a 16" barrel to a 22" barrel on the base, the insulated flue pipe that I used is meant for a wood burning stove, it measures 7" on the inside diameter and 11" in on the outside diameter it is filled with a mineral type of insulation. I fired it up with with a 16" length of horizontal flue and lo and behold it functions very well. However when I tried to extend this flue to 32' I had a problem not getting the draught, I believe this problem is linked to the two 90 degree short radius elbows that I introduced into the system. As soon as I get the chance I will replace these elbows with long radius elbows to see if this caused the problem.

Incidentally when I fired the stove with the short run of horizontal flue (16feet) , I over ranged my heat sensor gun, it limited out at 680 deg I think the temperature reached in excess of 800 degrees in the centre of the barrel. This temperature was achieved in approx. 15 minutes.

I will attach some pics for you to review if you have a question get back to me

In the heart of the rockies
12 years ago
Hello Noelle,
I have just built a rocket stove for my greenhouse, the design is a bit unconventional, in that I connected a 16" barrel to a 22" barrel on the base, the insulated flue pipe that I used is meant for a wood burning stove, it measures 7" on the inside diameter and 11" in on the outside diameter it is filled with a mineral type of insulation. I fired it up with with a 16" length of horizontal flue and lo and behold it functions very well. However when I tried to extend this flue to 32' I had a problem not getting the draught, I believe this problem is linked to the two 90 degree short radius elbows that I introduced into the system. As soon as I get the chance I will replace these elbows with long radius elbows to see if this caused the problem.

Incidentally when I fired the stove with the short run of horizontal flue (16feet) , I over ranged my heat sensor gun, it limited out at 680 deg I think the temperature reached in excess of 800 degrees in the centre of the barrel. This temperature was achieved in approx. 15 minutes.

I will attach some pics for you to review if you have a question get back to me

In the heart of the rockies
12 years ago
Hello Allen,

Thank you for your reply and input. All the dimensions I have used were calculated using "Rocket MassHeaters" by Ianto Evans and Leslie Jackson. The 24" barrel piece that I added is 13" tall, so I was wondering if this extra capacity at the bottom would affect the flu gas flow? All dimensions, as previously mentioned have been followed. At the north end I built on a potting shed / wood storage area. You will see on the attached sketch that the exhaust pipe will run beneath the beds which are 2' in height (less bending). The beds will have rock in the first 8" to act as a heat sink below the beds.

The rocket stove was built inside the greenhouse so I can also benefit from the radiant heat. I live in the heart of the Rockies where 20' feet of snow is average for winter. Our winter temperatures can vary wildly - and be anywhere from -31 to +15 degrees F.

Again, thanks for your input - and after you review the latest attachment, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear about them.

12 years ago
I am currently building a rocket stove for my greenhouse. The fire bricks i used are 4.5" by 3.5". When I place the small barrel 16" over the chimney it leaves very little space for the
flu gasses to escape. Will the design shown work where I would attach the 16" barrel to a 24" barrel as shown on the attached diagram. Will I still get the draw I need?
12 years ago