Hi all, this will be my first post, so excuse me if I'm in the wrong forum-section
I've recently been given part of someones garden for a loan, to practice my newly found love for permaculture. The garden is situated by a river, with a very high water level (there's water about 20 feet beneath the ground surface. My piece of it is about 5 by 5 metres, which would be 80 square feet (I think..). The owner planted a swamp cypresse right in the middle a few years back, which is now about 10 feet tall.
Now, aside from taking away a lot of sun, in an already rather sunless country (the Netherlands), I'm also afraid that the trees fallen needles may cause the soil to be less suitable for other plants to grow there. From what I've observed from the swamp cypresses in a nearby park, there's only some weak grasses growing underneat, and some bulb flowers in springtime..
My problem is that the owner doesn't like the idea of my relocating the tree, unless I have some solid evidence that it is actually causing the soils quality to decrease.. (my argument that it's roots take up a pretty large part of the soil, and that the rest of it takes a lot of sun haven't had an effect..)..
So, does anyone have any suggestions? should I relocate the tree, shouldn't I, and for what reasons?
I'm happy with any advice!