Harry Greene

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since Nov 20, 2012
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Recent posts by Harry Greene

We're currently in the design phase of the food forest. I'll post back when things move along more. Word on the street is that we just got access to another site...5-10 acres or something. Very cool.
10 years ago
"Beavers invented hugelkuktur" - made me laugh.

We have a LOT of beavers at home. I've spent considerable time ripping apart their dams from a kayak to drain some of our land. We're in the wet, temperate northeast, but even so, this is a very interesting concept (working *with* beavers). My concern is that if you started planting trees that you wanted to survive around their home, you'd end up with pointy stumps.
10 years ago
I sleep on a piece of plywood with an old comforter on top of it, covered with a normal fitted sheet. It has all the padding I need.

I feel much more recovered in the morning (I'm an athlete), and I also wake up with more energy.
10 years ago
Follow up for everyone: "Restoration Agriculture" by Mark Shepherd. Read it. It's all about late scale permaculture and how it legitimately does work.
So. I'm originally from New England. We get 30-40+ inches of rain per year, so the only constraint I consistently pay attention to is how cold-hardy something is.

I'm down with all of the water capturing and retention tecniques, e.g. hugelkulture, berms and swales on contour, rain barrels, mulch, MORE organic matter, nitrogen-fixing trees etc. Beyond this, I want to expand my list of useful plants that specifically don't need a TON of water *and* are cold-hardy (Zone 5a). I just bought "Drought Tolerant Plants" at a used book store, but it's aimed at people that like ornamentals and lawns.

Honey Locust
Jerusalem Artichoke
Siberian Sea Berries

10 years ago
Colorado Springs area permaculture? I'm moving out there soon and I'd love to sporadically lend a hand and learn some new things. I'm temporarily abandoning my permaculture homestead in Massachusetts. I have experience with hugelkulturs, chickens and their coops, greenhouses, catching rainwater, annual gardening, soil building, composting, swales, rocks, erosion, tree planting, passive solar greenhouses, apples etc.

Holla back, reply, smoke signals...

11 years ago
Michael Brown and Jessica! If you're still into sharing ideas, I'm about 30 mins west of you. I love permaculture design. I have a good amount of land and a good amount of permaculture projects going on. Hugelkultur, food forests, swales and berms, horses, chickens, chicken coops, annual gardens, tree-planting, cold frames, rain barrels and irrigation etc. I'm on facebook...Harry Greene with the rock statue under some trees as a cover photo.


11 years ago
How goes it, Christa? I'll be living in Littleton until the end of September. I have lots of projects going on. Swales, rain barrels, hugelkultur, tree-planting, erosion control via on-contour berms, a lovely microclimate that puts part of my property in zone 6 (south-facing ledge), annual gardens, horses. What are you hoping to do with the group? Design? Hands-on stuff? Just talk about stuff?


11 years ago