Pat Roberts

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since Nov 22, 2012
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Recent posts by Pat Roberts

Satamax Antone wrote:Canyon and Donkey have built north of 60, and not only one.

Thanks Satamax Antone.
12 years ago

Chris Sturgeon wrote:Pat, Where are you located? I'm in Whitehorse and am building a RMH. Are you nearby?

Hi Chris. I'm in Chetwynd BC.
12 years ago
So, are you suggesting installing the tubes on the bottom of the floor joists or in between them on the main floor or on the basement floor?
12 years ago
Just happened upon the rocket mass heaters on you-tube and I'm really excited about building one for myself. I've started a 1500 sq ft house with a full basement and wondering just how much area these style of heaters will effectively heat to a reasonable temperature in a climate where minus 30 celcius is possible on regular basis during the winter months. The house will be up for sale as soon as it's done and would this heater add resale value to it?

P.S. This site is "AWESOME"!
12 years ago