katharina noerg.

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since Nov 25, 2012
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Recent posts by katharina noerg.

oh, interesting. i am making "feta-like" cheese from cows milk with a veggi rennet i buy here http://www.kaesereibedarf.de/
so if anyone in germany or europe is looking for microbial rennet that is not made from/with GMOs this is a good source. they state under "info" that they dont use anything that is derived from GMOs.

I made cheese with vinegar in the past, depending on the type you use it gives a flavour that can be off and you dont get as much curd with vinegar as you would get with rennet.
you can also use lemon juice or acid, but i guess it is also not super effective.

i also heared about fig bark.. would be very interesting to know if there is anything one could grow that gives good results.

9 years ago
Hi, this is a great idea =)

Here some shops we are using or might be using in the future (most of them are in german though):

Dictum https://www.dictum.com/en/ (german or english) - for high quality tools mainly woodworking, some gardening and other uses

Bunte Kuh http://www.kaesereibedarf.de/ (german only and slightly confusing webpage) - i buy all my cheese cultures here and other supplies

Purux https://www.purux.de/index.php (german only) - they sell chemicals and such, we bought our baking soda, lye for soap making and citric acid

Flaschenland http://www.flaschenland.de/ (german only) - i have not bought anything there yet but they seem to have a lot of different bottles, glasses and many other useful things

Getreidemühlen http://www.getreidemuehlen.de/ (german only) - grain mills, mixer, dehydrator, juicer....

Bienenzuchtbedarf Geller http://bienenzuchtbedarf-geller.de/shop/ (german only) - all sorts of things for beekeeping

Mellifera e.v. http://portal.mellifera.de/portal/portal.shop/index.html (german only) - bio dynamic beekeeping, they are about to launch a shop but until now there are only some links to other sites

Zicc Shop http://shop.zicc.eu/ (several languages) - storage boxes, containers

pure and green http://www.pureandgreen.at/ (german only)- household items made from sustainable materials

Homesteader supplies https://www.homesteadersupply.com/ (english)- as the name says: homesteading supplies =) i never ordered from this site, just thought it look like they have nice things

Nahrungsmittel selbermachen http://www.nahrungsmittel-selbermachen.de/ (german only) - supplies for everything from cheese to wine making

Now for ordering plants and seeds (mostly organic and german):

Manfred Hans Raritäten http://www.raritätengärtnereimanfredhans.de - he has a lot of rare and special plants for the european climate, trees, shrubs... very happy so far

Blumenschule http://blumenschule.de/ - lots of plants

Kräuter- und Wildpflanzen-Gärtnerei Strickler http://www.gaertnerei-strickler.de/ - focus on natural gardening and "wild"/native plants

Zitronenlust http://www.zitronenlust.de/pflanzenkaufen/index.php - lots of citrus and other mediteranien and exotic trees

Hof Berggarten http://www.hof-berggarten.de/ - seeds, plants, shrubs, herbs...

Magic garden seeds http://www.magicgardenseeds.com/ ( german and english) - heirloom verggie seeds, rare seeds, herb seeds, ethnobotanical seeds

Eggert Baumschule http://www.eggert-baumschulen.de/ - shrubs and trees, lot of natives and wild fruit

Dreschflegel http://dreschflegel-saatgut.de/ - lot of seeds for all sorts of veggies

Biogartenversand http://biogartenversand.de/ - seeds, plants and gardening tools

Bingenheimer Saatgut http://bingenheimersaatgut.de/ (several languages) - veggie seeds and bulbs

Kräuterei https://kraeuterei.de/ - herb nursery

Lichtenborner Kräuter http://lichtenborner-kraeuter.de/ - herb nursery

Zauberstaude http://zauberstaude.de/shop-Zauberstaude.html - lots of potted plants

Now for books:

Öko Buch https://www.oekobuch.de (german)

Bookdepository http://www.bookdepository.com/ (several languages)

Chelsea Green http://www.chelseagreen.com/ (english)

Buch 7 https://www.buch7.de/ - 75% of the profits go to social projects (german)

Permanent Publications http://permanentpublications.co.uk/ - Permaculture books (english)

Green Shopping http://www.green-shopping.co.uk/ (english) - books, gardening supplies, tools, outdoor living

And a bit out of context http://www.pfaf.org this is an amazing database about all sorts of plants, they also published some books you can buy over their webpage.

ups, it got a bit out of hand =) hope some of these links are usefull to someone.

9 years ago
HI there,

i was wondering if there are people here from germany?
after living in israel for 2 zears now we will move back to germany next winter (and hopefully buy a small homestead).
It would be amazing to have some people around that care about the same things and are interested in all things natural.
We are new to permaculture and think it would be nice to profit from each others experiences.

would be happy to hear from someone
12 years ago
HI there,

we would really like to build a RMH in germany and would like to know if anyone knows of anyone that tried getting that approved...
germans have a mass of regulations and as i am no lawyer i find it really hard not to get lost in the regulation jungle.

I would probably just build one but the thing with the insurance is a big problem. never mind if the RMH was responsible for the house burning down or not you would probably never see the money.

So: is there anyone out there in germany that knows what would be the best way to approache this?

Would really appreciate some advice...

Thanks a lot.
12 years ago