Hi, this is a great idea =)
Here some shops we are using or might be using in the future (most of them are in german though):
Dictum https://www.dictum.com/en/ (german or english) - for high quality tools mainly woodworking, some gardening and other uses
Bunte Kuh http://www.kaesereibedarf.de/ (german only and slightly confusing webpage) - i buy all my cheese cultures here and other supplies
Purux https://www.purux.de/index.php (german only) - they sell chemicals and such, we bought our baking soda, lye for soap making and citric acid
Flaschenland http://www.flaschenland.de/ (german only) - i have not bought anything there yet but they seem to have a lot of different bottles, glasses and many other useful things
Getreidemühlen http://www.getreidemuehlen.de/ (german only) - grain mills, mixer, dehydrator, juicer....
Bienenzuchtbedarf Geller http://bienenzuchtbedarf-geller.de/shop/ (german only) - all sorts of things for beekeeping
Mellifera e.v. http://portal.mellifera.de/portal/portal.shop/index.html (german only) - bio dynamic beekeeping, they are about to launch a shop but until now there are only some links to other sites
Zicc Shop http://shop.zicc.eu/ (several languages) - storage boxes, containers
pure and green http://www.pureandgreen.at/ (german only)- household items made from sustainable materials
Homesteader supplies https://www.homesteadersupply.com/ (english)- as the name says: homesteading supplies =) i never ordered from this site, just thought it look like they have nice things
Nahrungsmittel selbermachen http://www.nahrungsmittel-selbermachen.de/ (german only) - supplies for everything from cheese to wine making
Now for ordering plants and seeds (mostly organic and german):
Manfred Hans Raritäten http://www.raritätengärtnereimanfredhans.de - he has a lot of rare and special plants for the european climate, trees, shrubs... very happy so far
Blumenschule http://blumenschule.de/ - lots of plants
Kräuter- und Wildpflanzen-Gärtnerei Strickler http://www.gaertnerei-strickler.de/ - focus on natural gardening and "wild"/native plants
Zitronenlust http://www.zitronenlust.de/pflanzenkaufen/index.php - lots of citrus and other mediteranien and exotic trees
Hof Berggarten http://www.hof-berggarten.de/ - seeds, plants, shrubs, herbs...
Magic garden seeds http://www.magicgardenseeds.com/ ( german and english) - heirloom verggie seeds, rare seeds, herb seeds, ethnobotanical seeds
Eggert Baumschule http://www.eggert-baumschulen.de/ - shrubs and trees, lot of natives and wild fruit
Dreschflegel http://dreschflegel-saatgut.de/ - lot of seeds for all sorts of veggies
Biogartenversand http://biogartenversand.de/ - seeds, plants and gardening tools
Bingenheimer Saatgut http://bingenheimersaatgut.de/ (several languages) - veggie seeds and bulbs
Kräuterei https://kraeuterei.de/ - herb nursery
Lichtenborner Kräuter http://lichtenborner-kraeuter.de/ - herb nursery
Zauberstaude http://zauberstaude.de/shop-Zauberstaude.html - lots of potted plants
Now for books:
Öko Buch https://www.oekobuch.de (german)
Bookdepository http://www.bookdepository.com/ (several languages)
Chelsea Green http://www.chelseagreen.com/ (english)
Buch 7 https://www.buch7.de/ - 75% of the profits go to social projects (german)
Permanent Publications http://permanentpublications.co.uk/ - Permaculture books (english)
Green Shopping http://www.green-shopping.co.uk/ (english) - books, gardening supplies, tools, outdoor living
And a bit out of context
http://www.pfaf.org this is an amazing database about all sorts of plants, they also published some books you can buy over their webpage.
ups, it got a bit out of hand =) hope some of these links are usefull to someone.