Hi Konstantinos,
I am a garden designer in Cyprus (in the med) and have recently designed a garden in a village in the foothills of the Mount Troodos range. So although I know a little about horticulture I am mostly involved in the design factor of gardens. There are loads of almonds trees in the area and I would like to plant a couple in the garden since the soil and temperatures seem to suit them. It is very hot in the summer and the winter nights can bring frost. But my client is concerned with how large and how invasive the root system can become because the spot where I would like to plant them is only about 3 meters from the neighbours back house wall. Do you know anything about this? You seem to know a lot about almond trees in general. They are so gorgeous in January when they flower. Here in Cyprus I will buy the little trees from the local forestry department as my client is in a hurry to see his garden finalised. Many many thanks in advance for you invaluable information, it would be lovely to see your planted area when the treea have grown and are in bloom.