Dwayne Oxford

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since Nov 29, 2012
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I simply enclosed my porch, have storm doors with sign telling deliverers to put packages on porch.
Am also on 1st name basis with deliverers and oft express my appreciation of their VALUABLE services.
4 years ago
Here in Eastern W. TN(Holladay) it's near time, Moon is increasing, drawing sap from roots.
I simply strip leaves from stalk, chop stems with coarsest blade of Cuisinart processor, fill gallon jar about 1/2 full, fill with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, let sit for couple three months, shaking up occasionally.
I draw ounce out with baster, put in glass and add 4-5 oz. water and drink.
Works similarly to 500 mg. Tylenol for me.
4 years ago