susan vita

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since Dec 28, 2012
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Recent posts by susan vita

Posting to help out a family member who was suddenly widowed and not happy about living alone. He has a house on a few acres near town, is open to pets, and would love help in the garden this year.

He's also a frequent tobacco and cannabis user, so smokers who are friendly and mild mannered animal lovers would be a good fit.  

We'd love to help someone find a place to settle, help him w chores, and some shared expenses, and companionship at the same time.  

This isn't a free housing situation, more of a reduced rent for someone  who can help out a bit and isn't looking to spend 2500 a month on an apartment.

2 years ago
Thanks, I'm very proud of how nicely she turned out!  I lowered the price to 21500 so i can buy my homestead.
craigslist ad

2 years ago
My offer on a cute house on a few acres has been accepted, and if all goes according to plan I'll be moving onto my retirement homestead in May.   I can't wait to start planting!!

But, i'm living 500+  miles away and don't have a feel for the area.  Though I did spend some weeks camping there 20 years ago, and liked the area very much.

Now that I'm ready to settle there, I'm looking for local under the table info---like where to find good Amish builders (and are the costs in the North Country that much better than downstate?), how strict local zoning is (i'm hoping I can get a cabin or yurt set up on the ridge above the brook), and maybe (or especially?)----are there any plans for a big smelly or loud factory or some other potentially obnoxious neighbor planned?  
I'm going to spend Monday and Tuesday there, looking around for health food stores and the like lol.

3 years ago
Funny this post popped up today----my Vardo inspired tiny home is for sale so I can buy my final homestead. Truck too!
3 years ago
Learn to pronounce
a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture).
"why not follow the Danish example and bring more hygge into your daily life?"

Tim Flood wrote:Great feedback, all. In general, everyone seems to grok what I'm asking.

I really like the use of the word, "cozy"

If I could create homes that have that feel of Grandma's home - That kind where you walk inside and immediately feel "Ahhhhhhh......." inside.

3 years ago
Hey Hi there.  I am iso a small homestead for me, my adult son and his spouse.
We need a clean, year round stream or creek or spring for our plans. Let's chat soon if there is water on the site. I am ready to buy. Thankyou!
Me.   I turned an '06 Keifer 2+1 gooseneck into a 2 plus living quarters for myself.  It's not as heavy as my 34' fifth wheel, until i add ponies
lol. I can haul two smaller equines still, and kept the side ramp for emergency exits.

There's a solar panel for led lights, an rv propane two burner cooktop, rv fridge, and a cedar loo.  I have an ac and propane buddy, and a cowboy shower. Also added two fantastic fans, one over the horse space for their comfort while driving, the other is at the end of the bed in the gooseneck. They pull air in or out, which is really helpful. I used a combo of new and used parts and furniture.

One can sleep in the goose, or in the box stall. It actually can sleep 4 in a pinch, though it'd be crowded. Both ramps can become mosquito draped decks, which is maybe my favorite feature.

Here in New England, horse trailers w lq are highly sought after and $$$$. It's one of the reasons I chose to build one out. That and I have specific features I wanted, etc.

I added insulation everywhere but the horse space, btw, and it's darn comfy in there.  Add ponies and the cat and it can be very toasty!
3 years ago
I am thinking of spending this coming winter and checking it out.
3 years ago
I saw this in the woods today, and it's still bugging me. I was on private land (w/ permission) in someone's back acreage, maybe 300ft from the road. It is a 1/4 acre or so, kind of a big barren patch in the middle of deep woods.

The soil is kind of grey, feels like very soft sand, not silt, but almost that feel.  I can't tell if it's naturally occurring, or someone dumped something or it's a space ship landing pad.  

White pine, apple, maple, and ferns grow all around it, there appears to be a little wetlands area above it, and a small spring fed pond which apparently is similar to quick sand, Yikes!

There are a few large boulders and stone walls.  The area has a few plants, but is mostly pretty barren looking, what's there reminds me of lichen.  

I'm going back to scoop some for the extension folks at UVM.  But in the meantime I'm so darn curious!

Thanks for reading.

Located in Chester, Vermont for the soil sleuths out there.
4 years ago

Evan DiBona wrote:Hey there Mikael!
The answer is both yes and no. I'm in an odd situation because what began as a work-for-rent situation, I'm trying to pivot to a land lease.  

Unfortunately things are progressing slowly with the land owner. Making the terms of a rental/lease is an uphill battle. So in my spare time I've been hitting up craigslist and asking the odd person around town.

I appreciate your post though, perhaps in the coming months we could stay in touch. I'm sure there are some great spots tucked in here, it's just a process finding them and getting land owners comfortable with the idea.

Just saw this and am inspired to ask if Florida, Mass is of any interest? If so, my brother has a nice little parcel for sale.
4 years ago