Miya Tabor

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since Jan 03, 2013
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Yes, there is a woman in Redmond named Vala Andresdottir Withrow who breeds them, imported from Iceland, you should be able to find her on facebook and msg her
9 years ago
One of the bigger sources of parasites (assuming you don't have to many birds on your land) will come from wild bird poop
11 years ago
Thanks for all the info, Sally. Really helpful.
11 years ago
My husband and I are preparing to get goats and I have been reading up on this as well. I am curious as to whether I need to be worried about bloat? I've read a good amount of material saying to feed hay before they head out to pasture, is this because these goats are only getting grass, and not as a primary food source? Are their bodies just used to hay?
11 years ago