Db hatfield

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since Jan 05, 2013
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Recent posts by Db hatfield

thank you for the inpupt. I would love to plant some American Hazelnuts on my property but i already have a walnut and some kind of hickory. and my main focus right now is on a calorie producer, maybe chinese chestnuts instead.
12 years ago
Hello everybody, this is my first post on this forum so here it goes. I'm thinking of planting a food forest/orchard and i want to plant something to provide calories sustainably. I don't have alot of land (about 2 acres) so I need somthing that is compact. recently I have been researching the allegheny chinkapin, its small compact and produces edible nuts. it's related to the american chestnut and is reported to be blight resistant. problem is i cant find any information on growing this tree for nut production. I wondering if anybody on this board can give me any input on this tree.
12 years ago