Sarah Way

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since Jan 13, 2013
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Hey there! I'm a natural builder based on southern Vancouver Island, currently starting a business doing earthen plasters, clay paints and earthen floors, mostly in conventionally built homes in the city. I need to find a new living situation in the spring, so I thought I would put it out there to all you natural building enthusiasts what I'm looking for in the hopes that I can find the perfect person to collaborate with. Like I said, I'm starting a business, which means that money is tight. I'm looking for somewhere to live in Victoria BC and hoping to find a temporary living situation with someone who is interested in bringing some earthen elements into their home, be that plasters, paints, floors, or a whole natural reno. I'm looking for somewhere to live for the spring-summer-fall, and I'm fairly flexible as to what that situation is, be it a space in your house, a garage, a basement, or a trailer. I have a really awesome dog and a truck and heaps of tools. What I'm NOT offering is slave labour or to invest my savings into your real estate, but I am looking for a fair exchange of energy/resources, and if this sounds like the beginning of something that could serve us both, then I look forward to hearing from you.
11 years ago