Kellie Seals

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since Jan 14, 2013
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Recent posts by Kellie Seals

Whilst sitting on our sawdust toilet, I had an idea for a fiction book about an alterbeing reporting about Earth. He would say, "There are two types. One shits in water, the other in the ground." Yesterday I was quickly skimming the whole of the Humanure Handbook to be sure we were "doing it correctly." WOW. This is no how-to. As soon as I have enough US currency tickets, I will be purchasing this life-changing piece of literature and sharing it with others. THANK YOU.

I also found a similar quote in the book about "two types of humans." Do not underestimate the EarthBrain! Although not everyone has directly read or communicated an idea, have faith that ideas do spread and change the system from underneath, like groundwater.

Glad to find this forum and web site.
12 years ago