Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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steve carrow

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since Jan 15, 2013
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This past fall I bought a 42" one man with tuttle tooth pattern for hardwood. I am stillworking on my technique, and will need to sharpen it soon. While the saw buck plans I found were suited for cutting with a chainsaw, they did not do well with the lateral forces the saw was causing. I did some mods to help with that, as well as holding down smaller wood so it didn't spin in the buck. Here is an early photo of the concept. I have since made a more permanent setup, and it works fairly well.
11 years ago
Not sure how this works "live" either. I was just going to "watch", but I'll ask a question just to see what happens. What do you prefer for chicken breeds for the leader follower grazing scheme? I assume some all purpose breed that is good at free ranging.
12 years ago