Roxanne Dunn

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since Jan 15, 2013
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Fishtail, Montana
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Recent posts by Roxanne Dunn

Experimenting with 5 acres of the driest spot on our place in south-central Montana with a sub-soiling blade. Did this in the fall of 2012, waiting for the coming spring to see the contrast between this area and an adjacent untreated area.

Looking forward to learning more about the Keyline System of Design and applying the knowledge to the rest of our Ranch.

11 years ago
I am signed up for The Holzer AgroEcology Workshop March 2013 in Bozeman, MT. Can I get an address for the location? I'd like to make housing arrangements and want to be as close as possible. Do you have a list of camping, housing or hotel options for nearby? Thank you, Lee Dunn
11 years ago

Long but interesting documentary on why we dream. Found the solution finding theory the most interesting. 50% of people who thought about what they wanted to dream about before going to sleep actually dreamed about it.
11 years ago

When I read about answers to problems coming to you in your dreams I was actually relieved, because I too have experienced that. For example our basement constantly took on water, a problem that came shortly after the house was built 60 years ago. We took lots of the usual methods to solve the problem and nothing worked. One night I dreamed the solution, I implemented it the next day and it has been months and it has completely dry. This time of year we would normally be scooping out water daily.

Mine seemed to come to me the more I concentrated on the problem on a daily basis, both physically scooping out the water, and mentally trying to figure out what to try next. Do you have a certain routine that works for you that prompts a solution to come to you in a dream?

Thank you!!!
11 years ago

If you were to address an audience of largest land owners in Montana who are currently making a living from growing a lot of beef (ranchers), what would you most want to convey to them?

Thank you!
11 years ago
Of your North American projects is there one that is closest to someday matching or surpassing the success that the Krameterhof has achieved?

Thank you!
11 years ago

Nehmen Sie mich zu Ihrem Ofen? ….Sie Idiot! Geben Sie mir dieses Buch!

Gary Larson's Far Side cartoon.

I hope your translations go better than this one. Welcome Holzer Agroecology Team!
11 years ago

Love that you make no apologies for making an income from your labors, imagination and abilities! From what I have read and heard about you, you attribute diversity in products and services as a big factor in your success. Excluding consulting, teaching, and farm tours, what product (for example: mushrooms, fish, produce, meats, herbs, medicinal plants, seeds, trees) attributes the largest profit margin for you? What product has surprised you the most by its returns?

Thank you for your inspiration, for sharing your knowledge, and for being a catalyst for change.

11 years ago

Your place is beautiful, and looks very productive. Are you able to eat year round off of the land and what you put up for the Winter? Are there staples that you still need to purchase?

Has there been anyone in Permaculture who has inspired or influenced your design style the most?

Thank you!
12 years ago
I watched the entire presentation by Mark Shepard and picked up many important practices to begin implementing on our place. He gives many examples of how he has taken problems and turned them into profitable solutions. His real life experience really shows and his passion for restoring the Earth's resources is contagious. Thanks for posting it here, and a big thank you to Mark for sharing it!
12 years ago