Andrew Seamans

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since Jan 17, 2013
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Im an EMT in central Ma my wife five chidren and I live on two acres in the wilderness of Fitchburg Ma
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Recent posts by Andrew Seamans

I am moving to the outskirts of Fitchburg near Ashby.Were about 40min from Nashua NH. We'll be on two acres I am definately gonna have a huge garden as well as Turkeys and Chickens maybe Pigs and Bees next year. I have some garden experience but am very new to livestock. Look forward to chatting with you.

12 years ago
How do you house your Narragansetts? and would you mix them with the broad breasted turkeys?
12 years ago
Hey All,

I have a large family and just got two acres. I would like to hear some breed suggestions for the northeast.

I am thinking pastured pen and some free ranging here and there.

Also how long does it take a heritage breed to get big enough for thanksgiving?

12 years ago
Do you mix the ceyenne in with the feed? and how much?
I will be keeping all heavy breed chickens so hopefully not to many problems with the turkeys.
And hello S Benji what part of Mass you from?

Thanks for the responses.
12 years ago
Hey Folks

I live in Massachusetts I was wondering who keeps Chickens and Turkeys together? And if they have ever had trouble with blackhead? Also what type of turkeys should I get? The Naragansett and the Broad Breasted Bronze appeal to me so far. Also is there a breed that is more friendly with children?

Thanks for the input.
12 years ago
Hey Folks,

I am thinking of getting chickens and I have five children. There are alot of woods around my house,I thought a Rooster would be advantageous in protecting the flock from predators. Should I have a Rooster around the kids?

12 years ago