I am moving to the outskirts of Fitchburg near Ashby.Were about 40min from Nashua NH. We'll be on two acres I am definately gonna have a huge garden as well as Turkeys and Chickens maybe Pigs and Bees next year. I have some garden experience but am very new to livestock. Look forward to chatting with you.
Do you mix the ceyenne in with the feed? and how much?
I will be keeping all heavy breed chickens so hopefully not to many problems with the turkeys.
And hello S Benji what part of Mass you from?
I live in Massachusetts I was wondering who keeps Chickens and Turkeys together? And if they have ever had trouble with blackhead? Also what type of turkeys should I get? The Naragansett and the Broad Breasted Bronze appeal to me so far. Also is there a breed that is more friendly with children?
I am thinking of getting chickens and I have five children. There are alot of woods around my house,I thought a Rooster would be advantageous in protecting the flock from predators. Should I have a Rooster around the kids?