As I have put my bees "to bed" and we are entering winter I am already thinking about this Spring. Every year I collect my apiary's swarm and regularly chase calls. I have recently retired and now will have considerable more time to spend with my bees,(if my wife lets me

I usually grabbed what I thought I would need and go, but this Spring I would like to get a bit more serious about the specific tools and equipment I would need to answer just about any normal swarm call. My vision is that I would put it all in the back of my pickup, go and come back with the swarm in one trip. In the past because of my specific lack of planning, organizing, and the small time frame to work with getting out to the swarm- I have actually made several trips for one swarm collection more then once. So I would like to start a list of equipment and share everything I can think of to bring on a swarm run. Please suggest more things I might add that might come in handy for collecting swarms-
Card board box, Nuc, deep box with frames, 5 gallon pail and lid
Ladder,(telescoping and step)
Rope, bee suit, smoker, pruning shears and loppers,(large pruning shears), large cloth sheet, bee vacuum, telescoping pole with attachments,(saw, pruning shear, 5 gallon pail)
I have even seen one of those 5 gallon water jugs with the bottom cut off mounted on a pole by the neck opening.
If this subject has already been posted, please help me find it on the forum. If it has been discussed earlier it's easier to continue the original post then start a whole new one.
Another thing I could use some help on is finding out over the phone that it is really an actual honeybee swarm and not a hornet or wasp nest when the swarm call comes in. I think we have all got those calls that the caller swears up and down it's honeybees and when we get out there it's a wasp or hornet nest.