David Haught

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since Jan 21, 2013
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I was born in the hills of West Virginia. Moved to Georgia in 1987. I love farming.  I have lots of chickens,and guineas . Im going to get some nubian milk goats in the spring. Im also into health, and nutrition.  I have been into bodybuilding for a few years now. I also love to watch mixed Marshall arts fighting. Mma.
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Chatsworth Georgia
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Recent posts by David Haught

Thanks Doug!!! I have a 12x 12 section in my barn made for the goats to keep them out of the weather. Im also going to make a small shed on the outside also... I thought about just using the 5 foot non climb wire, but its very expensive... $160.00 for 100 foot roll.... I could give them alot more pasture with electric... we do have a coyote problem here in north Ga.... Im thinking about training my lab to watch them. Im not sure how she will react to goats... she doesnt bother my chickens or guineas ... So im hoping she will be helpfull... Then again she might attack the goats.... Shes a pretty gentle dog..
12 years ago
Thanks Jorja!!!
12 years ago
Im wanting to get some milk goats in the spring, and was wondering for some ideas for fencing... if I go with a 5 foot non climb fence ill only be able to fence in about 200 feet total... But I have about an acre total that I have access to... would anyone recommend electric fence. And how many strands high??? Im new with goats, and been trying to learn all I can.
12 years ago
Im going to try Sepp Holzers bone sauce ... He claims it works on just about any animal... watch the video that Paul has called "Sepp holzers bone sauce"... im putting it on my saplings to keep goats away.. I havnt tried it yet, but im sure it will work.
12 years ago