Ann Marie MacSween

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since Jan 22, 2013
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Thanks for the thoughtful replies and sharing your experience. I realize that I should have elaborated. Was in a hurry to leave for work.

We have very little space or soil in our suburban Toronto back yard. There is a lot of cement. We have created 3 raised beds, got rid of the peonies that lined the north side fence and replaced them with vegetables, are considering converting the existing metal gazebo frame into a greenhouse, at least temporarily, to start seedlings this spring , have two composters,have tried vermiculture twice unsuccessfully, but want to try again, along with putting as many food plants in our front lawn as possible without causing a ruckus in our conventional neighborhood. My question is more correctly how to determine what method to use in the front lawn project while keeping peace in our neighbourhood.

Have a great day.
12 years ago
Hello, I have been reading about both methods. On paper, both sound good. How can I determine which to use?
12 years ago