Dan Broockmann

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since Jan 23, 2013
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I did sell it to a guy that seemed like he got the permaculture idea... sadly it doesn't look that way.  The few times I have been through Boise in the past couple years the place is not being well maintained (though thanks to the permaculture bones it is still mostly intact).
Hi All,
Over the course of the past eight years I have been living here in Boise, Idaho and working full time for an environmental consulting firm. That firm laid me off back in September and it looks like I am going to have to leave Boise to find a reasonable job in my field (archaeology). Over the course of the last eight years I have taken an otherwise standard quarter acre urban lot in a nice neighborhood and transformed it into a permaculture homestead. It has served as a center for community gatherings and a demonstration site from which we have hosted a community garden and lots of permaculture presentations and workshops. It pains me to leave, but if we can find a permie to take the place on it'll ease my heart.
Enough of my emotional rant... the property is at 2701 North 29th Street in Boise, ID. If you check out the Google Earth image you can already see that it is different from everything else. The basics:
-Urban lot in a great neighborhood on 0.2 acres of land
-Three bedroom/one bath house (also has an outdoor shower/bath)
-New or nearly new heating, cooling, water heating, and plumbing systems. Also an "eco-friendly roof" done in the past couple years with light-colored UV reflective shingles
-Has a woodstove for supplemental heating with a cord and a half of wood laid in for next winter
-Has an orchard, vineyard, food forest, herb spiral, lots of established farming space
-Has hosted a community garden for the last six years
-Hugelkultur bed and sunken hugelkultur gardens are a couple years old and rocking
-Has a semi-subterranean, earth-sheltered, four-season greenhouse (a la mike oehler)
-Has a greywater irrigation system and an unregulated hand-dug groundwater well
-We've got a couple Langstroth hives of well cared for bees and a great spot for them
-Developed biochar kiln system for production of biochar and reuse of woody carbon-based waste on site
If anyone is interested I'd love to pass on more info and share photos or tour them around. It'd be a great spot for an urban permie and a great way to help me continue the legacy of this place.

Thanks All!
8 years ago
Hi All,
Over the course of the past eight years I have been living here in Boise, Idaho and working full time for an environmental consulting firm. That firm laid me off back in September and it looks like I am going to have to leave Boise to find a reasonable job in my field (archaeology). Over the course of the last eight years I have taken an otherwise standard quarter acre urban lot in a nice neighborhood and transformed it into a permaculture homestead. It has served as a center for community gatherings and a demonstration site from which we have hosted a community garden and lots of permaculture presentations and workshops. It pains me to leave, but if we can find a permie to take the place on it'll ease my heart.
Enough of my emotional rant... the property is at 2701 North 29th Street in Boise, ID. If you check out the Google Earth image you can already see that it is different from everything else. The basics:
-Urban lot in a great neighborhood on 0.2 acres of land
-Three bedroom/one bath house (also has an outdoor shower/bath)
-New or nearly new heating, cooling, water heating, and plumbing systems. Also an "eco-friendly roof" done in the past couple years with light-colored UV reflective shingles
-Has a woodstove for supplemental heating with a cord and a half of wood laid in for next winter
-Has an orchard, vineyard, food forest, herb spiral, lots of established farming space
-Has hosted a community garden for the last six years
-Hugelkultur bed and sunken hugelkultur gardens are a couple years old and rocking
-Has a semi-subterranean, earth-sheltered, four-season greenhouse (a la Mike Oehler)
-Has a greywater irrigation system and an unregulated hand-dug groundwater well
-We've got a couple Langstroth hives of well cared for bees and a great spot for them
-Developed biochar kiln system for production of biochar and reuse of woody carbon-based waste on site
If anyone is interested I'd love to pass on more info and share photos or tour them around. It'd be a great spot for an urban permie and a great way to help me continue the legacy of this place.

Thanks All!
hey folks!

really looking forward to getting together this tue and meeting you all.

here's a suggestion for those of you who have a list of what you have and what you are looking for. i'm trying to keep this simple, so if you format it according to the following example and email to me at chaparrazo@gmail.com, i can make a nice spreadsheet or database that's easy to manage. or just post it here and we can all see what's what. basically if you separate each item with a semicolon ( it's easy to work with. if you have a list of plants already, it's just a matter of using copy and paste to put it together.

put your name and then a semicolon ;
followed by your contact info - phone or email and then a semicolon ;
followed by what you "have " or "want " and then a semicolon ;
followed by how many you have / want and a semicolon ;
followed by any notes about what you have or want.

here's my list:

name; contact; have / want ; qty; notes
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have jerusalem artichokes or sun chokes - Helianthus tuberosus; lots ; edible perrenial tubers, grow to 10ft, lovely flowers, kinda invasive you have been warned
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have himrod grape vine cuttings; lots; nice seedless white grape, good eatin, may have a few other grape vine cuttings too
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have comfrey; some; am ordering some
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have Autumn olive - Elaeagnus umbellata; some maybe; am propagating cuttings now
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have Siverberry - Elaeagnus Ebbingei; few; may propagate some this spring
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have mulberry; some maybe; am propagating cuttings now
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have goji berry - Lycium barbarum; some maybe; rooted cuttings ready in spring
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; have various ornamental willows
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want bamboo; any; looking for cold hardy clumping variety, preferably with edible shoots
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Guomi - Elaeagnus multiflora
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Sea Buckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoides
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Oregon grape - Mahonia aquilfolium
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Sweet Cicely - Myrrhis odorata
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want nice cherry scion to graft on seedling tree; any; have some seedlings that came up and would like to grow some nice cherries on them
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Black Salsify - scorzonera hispanica
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Lemon Daylily - Hemerocallis citrina
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Hosta montana or Hosta sieboldii
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Scarlet Runner Bean - Phaseolus coccineus
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want Climbing / Vining Asparagus - Asparagus verticillatus
eric johnson; chaparrazo@gmail.com; want dolgo or other good edible crabapple
12 years ago
Hi All!
Thanks to all who came out for the meeting last night, it was great to get the Permaculture Guild back together and back on track! Wonderful to see old friends and new faces alike! All of us that were there have some good action items we are working on and will be reporting back to the group with some answers as soon as we get some. We are going to keep our threads over on the Boise Permaculture Guild Yahoo! group, so if you're not signed up to it, feel fee to join up with it.
To facilitate Eric's action item of putting together a database of plants that we have locally and can share and barter, please see the email below and respond to Eric with what you've got. This list will be kept in the file section of the Boise Permaculture Guild Yahoo! group when it is finished.
We've got some fantastic ideas and are putting them into action! Hell yeah permies!

12 years ago
Hi All,
Just signed up for Permies, there is a Yahoo! group for the Boise Permaculture Guild that hasn't been very active in a while, so a couple permie friends and I are planning an event and would love to draw the permie community together. I hope folks can make it, we are looking forward to bringing the permaculture community into a more prominent role in this area!

Howdy Permaculture folk!

It's been a while since we've had a local event and we thought that with as cold and dreary as it is, now would be a great time to get together and talk about things bright and beautiful! Mark next Tuesday at 7pm on your calendars!

Eric Johnson has had the wonderful idea of us all doing a plant share (since thanks to the amazing new Commonwealth Seed Library we don't need a seed swap). Eric had a great crop of Jerusalem artichokes last year and would love to share some tubers to help sunchokes conquer the world - starting with Boise. Eric can also share grapevine cuttings of himrod and maybe a few other vines. Dan has Lamb's Ear and probably a few other things that he'd love to share. What cool plant have you got too much of that you'll be tossing into the compost pile come spring? Wouldn't it be great to have some local market or virtual commons to give and get and sell and trade stuff like this? We thought we could all get together and compile a list of what people have to share and figure out the logistics of splitting things up and moving them around.

In addition, as our thoughts begin to turn towards the planting season, Eric had also suggested a cooperative buying thing. We are all familiar with some great catalogs that we've been salivating over and haven't we all wondered if anyone would like to go in on things together to buy en mass and save on costs and shipping? Eric just got a great amish nursery catalog that sells all sorts of wonderful fruit trees for about $15 each. Dan is working on an order from One Green World (which has great permaculture appropriate plants. Let's make a big order and save cost and share shipping.

Maybe you have some inside deal or even propagate stuff you'd like to sell at great prices to your fellow permies? I'd wager Eric and Chad both have a few things they could propagate for us.

After the fun of plant swapping/trading/buying, Eric has a pretty cool idea that he'd like to bring up for anyone who wants to stay and chat about it. Eric's idea... "There is a piece of land i go by often that has been set aside for a future city park. I'm guessing there are a bunch around town (around the whole country even?) that are just sitting there unused. Wouldn't it be cool if we could use these undeveloped park sites to start setting up permaculture example areas? A permaculture park?

Some potential benefits would be:
1 - Sustainability demonstration, educational and volunteer opportunities
2 - Low resource usage areas - would cost the city much less than a normal park and could actually produce income
3 - Could produce valuable high nutrition food and materials that could be used in food banks, school lunches, rehabilitation training programs, art programs, etc.

We could talk to nurseries, schools, the city and state sustainability departments, rehab programs, about getting involved. This sort of project has the potential to get more folks innoculated with the permie bug, build the local food web, jumpstart some permaculture product growth, build local community, and lots more good things! What do you think?"

Seems like we've got plenty to talk about and it's a great time to get together as a community. So... how about a get-together at Dan's house (2701 North 29th Street) next Tuesday (the 29th of January) at 7pm?

12 years ago