Joseph Russell

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since Jan 25, 2013
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I did originally think about the earth-bags. But the big setback is the cost. I do need a good size dwelling, due to the fact that I have 2 special needs step kids that will need to stay with us indefinitely. The idea of the sand dome came to me from watching a pizza dome being made, and I have a acquaintance that I can borrow ALOT of sand. I'm not even sure if I calculated it correctly, but just to purchase the earth-bags, would be around $5k. I'm thinking I may scrap the idea of a dome, and make forms for adobe blocks. I am working on getting the money up for a bunch of books, most of the research has been online. But thanks to everyone for the input.

11 years ago
Not too sure if it's even possible, so I figured I would ask the opinions of the experts. I have seen videos of people building cob pizza ovens, using sand to form the dome. My thought is, could this be used on a large scale. I know the cob has to be right, and it may be a good idea to have an extra layer or two of the limestone plaster, since it will have full exposure. Maybe 12" wall thickness? But could it actually be done. Will it work. How long should it dry before digging out the inside of the sand dome, if the walls are a foot thick. Maybe I should start with a small shed size hut?
11 years ago
Ernie and Paul. From what I can tell, you guys know the most. I wish I was alot closer, so I could learn directly from your expertise. I have recently become self aware of my enviornmental impact, and I am dicussted with myself. I've been recycling and planning shopping trips to reduce my impact, but my use of fuel to heat my home is crazy. So I began a quest to find alternatives, which lead me here. The problem is , I can't find any one plan, that says "here is the tried and true measurements". I've spent alot of time over the last 2 weeks looking. I'm sure I've overlooked it somewhere. I'm also dealing with a space issue, but I really want a RMH because I can get lots of free fuel ( broken pallet slats from my job). But, the space thing...... I was wondering what you think about the possiblity of a verticle mass section? Zig-zagging back and forth, but on an incline and going up with each zig and zag. Make sense? Hope so, because my drawing skills are really bad. Thanks For Yor Time.
12 years ago