Mike Stockinger

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since Feb 08, 2013
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Recent posts by Mike Stockinger

Thanks for the advice Will. I will probably wait until it snows before firing up the chainsaw, it is crazy dry around here. I am relieved I don't have to rake up the pine needles... one less chore
9 years ago
With the recent fires here in central WA, I have become more concerned about a stand of Pines that are close to my house. A few of the old ones have dead limbs hanging near the ground that would encourage candling should the duff around them catch on fire. I want to trim them up but I don't know what time of year is best for the tree. Also, there is a heavy layer of pine needles on the ground around them. Should I leave them there for the winter? I wonder if they help insulate the roots when there is snow. I appreciate any input.
9 years ago
I would definitely contribute and of course buy the book and or DVD. Good luck!
10 years ago