Alex Pine

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since Feb 11, 2013
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Recent posts by Alex Pine

Posting my results from an attempt to air layer my rare apple trees. It was a total failure. No root growth after a month or so. However the quince rooted well.

I'll try again with rooting powder and try to remember to post the results.
2 years ago
I've been meaning to fix this hole in my shorts for a while now. The last time I wore them it got really big ha ha. You'll probably laugh at my horrible hand sewing. This was my first attempt at a patch. I pinned and sewed around the outside of the patch. Then I sewed around the strands of fabric and the edge of the hole. It feels pretty good to fix them rather than throwing them away.
2 years ago
I originally posted this in the wrong spot.
I recently had to fix a broken storm water pipe. The original builders of the house only allowed a 100mm space between the pipe and top of the soil. I think the local code is supposed to be 300mm. Oh well, it's fixed now anyway.
2 years ago
No, they are definitely hedge shears. Which are a type of pruning shears. Scissors are held with one hand and are usually upto 1foot long. These are held with two hands and are 2 feet long. But oh well. I'll just sharpen my secateurs next time.
2 years ago
It's starting to get colder at night down here in the southern hemisphere so I thought it's a great time for some chop and drop. First I harvested a bucket of sun chokes from my 25sq foot raises bed and chop and dropped the sun chokes and pumpkin.

After that I ripped out another pumpkin and give my nitrogen fixers out the front a haircut to cover about 35sq feet.
2 years ago
Today I thought I would sharpen my hedge shears ready to complete the chop and drop BB. I sharpened the primary edge with the file then used a diamond honing stick to sharpen the secondary edge. I tested it on a piece of paper which cut beautifully. I then wiped them down with peanut oil ha ha.
2 years ago
Thanks for the tips everyone. I will try again in spring 🤞
I think no one is actually reading what I said. The problem is it doesn't grow enough to flower. I'll attach photos of the plants direct sown at least 4 months ago. It's like they just do not grow more than 30cm until summer is over at which time it's impossible to fruit and ripen.