Rae Alan

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since Feb 13, 2013
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Recent posts by Rae Alan

Marco Banks wrote:

Rae Alan wrote:

Isn't there some sort of abandoned field or neglected area somewhere with dandelions sprouting up?  I'm shocked that you don't have some coming up in your own yard or garden.

I'm in Southern Az, we don't have abandoned fields we have desert. Lots and lots of desert. Creosote I have plenty, mesquite, I will never need to buy smoking chips for my grill. Dandelions none.  Probably the 115 deg heat in summer, which for us this year looks like it will be April to November

7 years ago

Erwin Decoene wrote:How on earth can you have so much trouble propagating dandylions ?

As a kid i had to cut them out of my parents lawn for days on end. There is no end to them. I can confirm that they regrouw from leafless roots or pieces of roots. I would just collects seeds locally.


LOL. Yes I remember as a kid being told to go dig them out of the yard. It was a pain. If your not familiar with Southern Az the only place they grow here is parks and golf courses, both of which are heavily watered and doused with weed killer and carbon monoxide. Not something I want to use as a starter. I want to try them in an aquaponics system and in a shaded watered area
7 years ago

Joseph Lofthouse wrote: If I wanted to transport some, I'd dig them up. Cut off the leaves, and stick the roots in a plastic bag with a bit of dryish soil to absorb any sweating. Then keep them in the dark, and cold if possible.

This sounds like what will work for me. Not sure if they will be brought back in luggage or shipped. Hopefully this will do it

Thank you
7 years ago

Casie Becker wrote:

Of course, dandelions have such a reputation for being survivors, maybe it doesn't matter where they come from.

I'm hoping this is the case!
7 years ago
Unfortunately the only ones I find here are in local parks and I don't know what is sprayed on the "weeds". As far as seeds they most likely wont have seed heads yet and when they do trying to get my brother to package and mail them would be like pulling teeth. To him it would be a waste of time and not worth anything hence the reason I will have to carry them with me home.
Thanks for the idea, not sure how a potted plant will go with TSA
7 years ago
In a couple weeks my wife and I will be flying from Az to new England for a vacation. I would like to be able to dig up some dandelions and bring them back to Az to transplant them. Does anyone know how I could do that? The reason I wont get them from here is that I can only find them in the parks which are sprayed with God knows what. At my brothers house he is too lazy to even think about spraying in a field he no longer even mows  
Any ideas would be appreciated
7 years ago
Thanks for the reply! The riser is 18 inches and the longest feed tube is 10 so I should be good on that part, after reading your post it dawned on me that I could test these somewhat by proping the pieces together with fire brick. I know its not a good test but its cheaper than buying a lot of metal right now . So far I have tried 1 and 3 and neither works as well as a brick rocket setup. I'm not sure I understand why but both seemed pretty finicky and number 3 allowed me to cook on it but after that even tho there was flame in the riser is was lazy and not putting out much if any heat. Hopefully tonight I will try #4 and see how that works. If not maybe back to the drawing board.
Thanks for the input

11 years ago
Hello everyone, I've started to experiment with rocket stoves, starting with a pile of fire brick, I went from 16 to 20 to 24 and then re arranged them in all different ways. It's been fun and interesting.
I want to try making one from 4 x 4 square tube to be able to transport it for cooking on. I have 4 ideas of how to build but not sure which way would be the best way for ease of operation and usage. in the pic there are no legs but when I make it it will get three legs for stability.
1. Is a typical L with an 18" riser and a 10" feed tube
2 18" riser and a 6 in feed tube
3. 18"riser J tube 5 1/2 "feed tube on top of 45deg angle under the feed tube is a 1 3/4 space that will get a hinged cover to let in additional air under the wood as needed
4 18" riser and 10 in feed tube. Most compact for transport I think this feed tube would get too hot and burn in the feed area

I wish I could build all of these and test them but I dont have enough metal so thats why I ask the experts!
I'm leaning towards number 3 since its gravity fed but I havent had luck making a J tube with the brick setup
Any Ideas and comments are very welcome

11 years ago

S Bengi wrote:Anywhere in Arizona as long as it is not in a city limit you dont need any permits, however AZ is mostly desert.

You will need to check the requirements for each county in Arizona, In Pima County, even the rural parts, we can only build up to 200 sq ft without a permit as long as there is no electric going to it. Once you have utilities or plumbing it needs a permit. I've had the fight with zoning due to nosy neighbors and it is a hassle

12 years ago
Hello to all from Southern Arizona.
I have been looking for information on sustainable building and came across Permies. I think this may be the motherlode.
I am hoping to start small and learn so one day I can break ground on a house.
If anyone knows of any info particular to the Arizona desert please let me know

12 years ago