Yigang Xu

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since Feb 19, 2013
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Recent posts by Yigang Xu

I have a 8' pentagon shape garden where I planted 4 blueberry plants and 7 sweet cherry bush (dark fruit), I did nothing to my red clay soil and the plants were ok for their first year (planted in fall 20110,but they are not yielding desired amount of fruit, I know the plants are still young, is there anything I can do to the soil to help with the growth?I have a bag of fertilizer and some alpaca pellet from friend, can I add them to blueberry and bush cherry plants?

11 years ago
Thanks everybody for your kind suggestion, I will try to use 1/2" metal conduit to make four panels each 5' by 10' to give a try. I also considered electrical fence from premier 1, but it seems to cost $350 for the system.
11 years ago
I had an existing 48' by 24' run with 4 fruit trees with my 10 hens, I bought some more chicks and intend to build a portable setting to let them have more access to green grass.

I intend to build 4 5' by 10' PVC panel with poultry netting, and move the fence maybe twice a week. Does anyone with exeprience of PVC frame portable fence? My main concern is to keep the chicken in, I have not experienced any predator problem since I started chicken 1 year ago.
11 years ago