Tracey Seymour

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since Feb 22, 2013
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I've been doing research on microhydro, but I'm having trouble finding expertise to evaluate the stream on my property. I live in NE Georgia (not at the foot of the Appalachian Hills, but a little further west). The stream section I have is ~1600' in length, and I have not calculated the head yet, but my best guess is 15' from beginning to end of stream (my father will be using his surveying expertise to calculate this for me). The greatest width is 17' across, the least width is 10' across, the max depth is 4'10", min depth is 18" (at the broadest point going over rocks). I've included a picture so you get an idea of what it looks like at the bend. Granted this was after a rain, but after the rain runoff, it goes down ~2.5'. I'm looking for someone to tell me which turbine would be best for this situation, an estimate on how much energy I can obtain (to see if I can go off the grid), and how much it will cost to do it. I have seen various calculators for how much energy can be obtained, and various dealers, but none in my area, at least that I can find. Can someone here point me to someone in GA who might be able to help me, that won't cost me an arm and a leg?

12 years ago