Chris Sklarski

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since Feb 22, 2013
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Recent posts by Chris Sklarski

Hi all,
I'm at Paul's and having grand ole time. I saw a chiropractor back on the east coast and I feel like I could use an adjustment. Does anyone know the best place to go in the Missoula area? My previous chiro gave massive discounts to students and anyone who couldn't afford $60 dollars for a back cracking each week. So if there's a place that's good and reasonably priced it would be fantastic.

10 years ago
I am extremely interested in the GAP program this summer. I wanted to come out last summer but I had already bought tickets to Colorado to go WWOOFing. It was an amazing experience and think this will be even better. I just have a few questions before I commit.

When you say three meals a day, what size portions are we talking? It seems silly but I had one bad experience at a WWOOF farm and I want to be sure I can get my fill. I'm a skinny dude but I work hard and eat like its my job. I love food and would love to help in all aspects from soil to plate.

What about transportation? I am in New England and will have to take a greyhound unless there is another option you can facilitate(carpool?). Also on the property, how far are you from civilization? Do you have loaner bicycles? None of these are deal breakers, I'm just curious of what I'm signing up for.

What is the work schedule like and what can I do with a day off? What should I bring to the lab?

I hope we can connect.

10 years ago
This is a great solution. The only consideration not mentioned is that the area must have good drainage so it doesn't get anaerobic. My only question is: Where do you poo?
11 years ago
My girlfriend and I are living in a RV for the rest of the year. We fill the greywater and holding tanks pretty quick. Usually we just dump the greywater in the lawn and the poo gets pumped into the septic tank on the property. I wonder if theres any other disposal option thats not too much work or nasty.

The main problem we have is the smell that comes from either tank when it gets near-full. Is there any permaculture solutions to reducing smell from a holding tank? We tried buying Campa-Chem brand deodorant but it contains some NASTY chemicals(though its supposedly biodegradable). Does anyone have alternatives for a camper toilet/holding tank?

Buddha Bless
11 years ago
My girlfriend grew up in a small town in southern Arkansas near Texarkana. She lived across the street from a massive lumber/paper plant that spewed toxic stank and a neverending roar. Pretty much all the land around there is monocropped pine trees and bare acreage left behind by the loggers. Apparently trees grow well there though and if you can get get over the downsides, it should work out well.
11 years ago
The cheapest way of acquiring new plants is to gather seeds and cuttings from wild and domesticated areas. I am sure you can find some great plants in your area if you know how to look. Find farms and orchards nearby and ask if they will give/sell you cuttings in the spring or seeds in the fall. If you like to go hiking, and know the desired plants' native habitat and range, you can find what you're looking for. Now is the perfect time to gather the seeds of many native and domestic plants.

Whatever seeds you can't find locally can be ordered online.
11 years ago
You don't need an 8 foot tall fence to keep out deer(although it wouldn't hurt) all you need to do is limit their "landing zone" on the other side of the fence. Deer wont jump into a dangerous situation or into an area small enough so they can't get a running start to jump back out. 2 fences, 5 feet apart will usually protect a garden of any size.
11 years ago
Hey Crystal!

My girlfriend and I are currently trying to save enough money for a down payment on a piece of land. We are young (19 and 21) and have different skills. I am the permaculturalist and she is studying child development. I am curious how you two saved up enough money on two acres in rural NY. That sounds like an accomplishment!

Good Luck!
11 years ago

I am obsessed with growing healthy, natural food and my girlfriend is coming along for the ride. She is studying child development and business so she can open a childcare facility on the farm that will immerse kids in a rich, healthy environment for learning. I will be planting trees, spreading useful plants over the property and getting them established. Farm income will be tenuous the first 3-5 years as the main crops mature, a problem we hope to combat with increased dependence on annuals in the beginning. Ten years after I start my farm, I honestly believe I can be a millionaire.
The land has certain requirements: It has to be within a reasonable distance from a city or near civilization in some way because my girlfriend's business and mine need customers. Also it must have healthy rainfall and soil, be about 20-40 acres, along with a pile of other "nice to have's"

I think it might be nice to have separate partners in this enterprise as it would reduce my need for money up front, speeding up the process of getting my farm. It would be great if different people had different skill-sets that complemented each other's(i.e. mechanic, veterinarian, woodworker, etc.) Of course, we can use all the able-bodied farm-hands we can get!

Is anyone interested in this kind of situation? What are your needs and skills?
11 years ago