Michael Hunt

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since Feb 24, 2013
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I am 58, S W M but looking. 
I've Lived in Colorado all my life.
I have 2.5 ac of land,
and going to build my COB home their.
I am returning back to living off the GRID
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Recent posts by Michael Hunt

Did you ever find a 5 ac lot in Colorado?

I just signed a contract for 2.5 ac.
In San Luis, Colorado. for $55.00 a month for 4 years.
I plan on builder a 90% under ground home their.
Part concrete part Cob.
starting this year. May-be in late June.
I have been divorced now 12 years.
And looking for someone to help.
I am 54 5'8" SWM
11 years ago
On your mold. Have you tried to line it with wax paper. Your bricks might not stick to much.
Just an idea.
11 years ago